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Our Story

SimpliPhi is Philanthropy Made Simple. With decades of experience working with hundreds of philanthropic organizations, SimpliPhi specialize in intuitive, easy- to-navigate solutions to your biggest challenges. Our extensive operational knowledge and transparent communication style allow us to integrate seamlessly our clients’ team. We innovate for growth, and consistently stay ahead of every challenge so our clients don’t have to. At SimpliPhi, our commitment is not just to making philanthropy impactful, but also refreshingly simple, contributing significantly to the sector’s success.

Our Dream

SimpliPhi believes in helping philanthropic organizations understand the benefits and importance of investing in digital transformation as a means of improving sustainability, efficiency, and ensuring stakeholder engagement.

Our Mission

To significantly amplify the reach, and impact of philanthropic organizations worldwide, helping them improve the lives of others, faster, more efficiently, and more effectively.

Our Core Values

Guiding Principles that Define Our Essence


The essence of consideration.

A cornerstone of our philosophy, it is a belief that our differences in opinion lead us collectively toward better solutions. We embrace kindness, foster understanding, and celebrate diversity as we work towards our common goal of effectively meeting our clients’ needs.


The Clarity of integrity

We are an open book! We practice honesty and forthrightness and aren’t afraid to share — successes, challenges, and all. Openness fosters trust, and trust is the building block of great partnerships.


The mark of excellence

Attention to detail is the hallmark of our approach. We constantly strive to meet the highest standards. Excellence is our benchmark.


The spark of enthusiasm

We take our work seriously. Our vibrant, inclusive corporate culture is all about fostering an attitude of carpe diem amongst our team. Motivation leads to results!


The wisdom of growth

Every challenge is a lesson in disguise. It is our capacity to overcome adversity that allows us to learn and to deliver the best possible outcome to any problem.


The strength of unity

Collaboration is an art. When well orchestrated it can appear effortless. The secret lies in well defined goals, sound processes and clearly established roles for all.